Saturday, November 29, 2008

A Star Trek: A New Frontier on the horizon

I just saw the new Star Trek trailer (yeah, I know its old news - November 18th) and I am thrilled to say it looks, and sounds, like a winner. The version begins at the most appropriate time - from their youth - and with the wild days of the early space conquests and battles.

Director J.J. Abrams takes over this incarnation of the 11th movie in the historic franchise. While using the Star Wars formula, going back in time to fill in the details (and make more Hollywood cash), this looks more visually stunning (as well it should) and with a wild streak that may turn this character line into a 3-5 movie arch.

Zachary Quinto (Heroes' Gabriel) plays Spock and looks very much like Mr. Nemoy's younger self. But it also seems this Spock will be an action-filled role, with a maturing Vulcan that we can find appealing on many, many levels.

Zoƫ Saldana (Drumline beauty and Ashton Kucher's girl in Guess Who with the late Bernie Mac) plays Uhura and will definitely spice up the role as a sexy lady on the set...(the trailer gives you a peak of that.)

For James T. Kirk, a relative newcomer, Chris Pine, may be the wildcard, though his credentials on an array of differing projects gives one hope that he can be many faces on a classic character.

To the side, I grew up a Star Trek fanatic. The original movie with V-ger (Voyager, that now fabled satellite the U.S.A. sent up, as the quest), Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home with the call of the whales needed to save Earth. (Not necessarily considered a very good movie, but it had its moments, like Mr. Scott talking to the computer, and then having to type really fast to come up with the formula for clear plexiglass made out of titanium or some such item.)
It is my hope that all Star Treks will turn out well. We need a new frontier to roam in these unsettling times.

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