Monday, August 20, 2007

Are you ready for some football!: Bears versus Colts

I need to wrap this post up in like 10 minutes because the Bears and Colts will be playing some football- preseason style.

Baseball might be King with me, but football is my adorable Queen. I am devoted to her. I cuddle with her after a long, hard week of work, hoping she'll give me that perfect moment of excitement. (Ok, it sounds rather strange...if a football game EVER became girly, that would kinda defeat the purpose of it.)

Unlike a woman, that I have not encountered in 35 years old, football:

1) Doesn't reject me when I ogle her for too long
2) Doesn't care if I flip over to another football game, because she's better looking
3) Doesn't care if I wear a football jersey out on a "date"
4) Doesn't care if I drink too much while watching her
5) Doesn't mind if I curse when the game (date) goes south

There's more, but I gotta get my football fix!

Keep it FRESH to DEATH!!!

(That's my new (old) sign off.)

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